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  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Wrestlers decorate their medals or throw them in the Ganges, why does it matter to anyone!

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Many gold medal winners for the country, mostly women wrestlers, are crying holding their medals in their hands, but the government is not ready to listen to them. What is the dominance of a surveyor of the wrestling association that the voice of women wrestlers who have struggled for the country throughout their life is not able to reach the ears of the government.

Overall, the government is not listening to these wrestlers. The police are lathi-charged on them and no one is even ready for a fair investigation against the accused president (now former) of the wrestling association. He is laughing. Laughing at the tears of the wrestlers to the extent of clumsiness, but no action is being taken. Can’t do any checking.

Tired of all this, and troubled by the atrocities of the police, the women wrestlers decided to throw all their medals in the Ganges. Almost as many Peaks players described it as surprising. Some parties termed it as a side effect of the arrogance of the government, but the office bearers of the party favoring the government and some MPs kept saying that the decision to shed the medals in the Ganges is of the wrestlers themselves. Who can stop them? It is their choice whether to decorate their medals at home or to throw them in the Ganges.

I am surprised at such statements. It is another matter that some people themselves stopped the shedding of medals by taking initiative.

What has happened to our system after all? It will be remembered that the decision to throw the medals in the Ganges is actually like following in the footsteps of the greatest boxer Muhammad Ali. According to Muhammad Ali’s biography, once he was not allowed to enter a restaurant. Actually, this restaurant was made for white people. Muhammad Ali was strongly against this kind of racism. After all, shortly after returning from the Rome Olympics, he threw his gold medal into the Ohio River.

Ali was finally awarded a second medal at the 1996 Atlantic Olympics.

Boxer Muhammad Ali revealed in his biography that he threw the gold medal into the Ohio River.

Boxer Muhammad Ali revealed in his biography that he threw the gold medal into the Ohio River.

After all, what is it that in this case of Indian wrestlers, justice is not being done for months. Even the Supreme Court intervened, but neither the atrocities of the police on the wrestlers decreased, nor did the government listen to them. On the contrary, the surveyors of the accused wrestling association are sometimes mobilizing sadhus in their favor and sometimes they are openly making fun of the tears of the wrestlers. This kind of emotional banter has to stop.