कुरुक्षेत्र में सरकार-किसानों का समझौता..INSIDE STORY: किसानों की नाराजगी, आंदोलन हाईजैक होने का डर और अमित शाह की सिरसा रैली बड़ी वजहें

Narendra Sharma, Ambala24 minutes ago

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In Haryana’s Kurukshetra, the Jammu-Delhi National Highway jam ended on Tuesday night due to the release of sunflower MSP and farmers. There was an agreement between the government and the farmers that the farmer leaders would be released. On the other hand, rate of Rs 6400 per quintal will be given for sunflower.

The Haryana government was adamant on not increasing the rate of sunflower since 8 days. On June 6, the farmers were even arrested by lathi-charging them. After this, he sat here for two days from June 12, but the government did not listen to anything. Issued a reverse advertisement saying that sunflower has the highest rates in Haryana, then what is the justification for the farmers to jam. Suddenly on Tuesday night the government accepted their demands.

The biggest reason behind why the government went on the backfoot was because of the hijacking of the movement. There were total 3 such reasons.

Now read these 3 reasons in detail

1. The movement was about to be hijacked:
The movement for the purchase of sunflower on MSP was announced by Gurnam Singh Chadhuni, president of the Bharatiya Kisan Union (Chadhuni Group). After this, on June 6, the farmers blocked the Jammu-Delhi National Highway. When the farmers did not agree, the police lathi-charged fiercely. 150 leaders including farmer leader Gurnam Chadhuni were arrested.

After Chadhuni went to jail, Rakesh Tikait took charge of the movement and called a mahapanchayat on 12th June. In which demanded the release of MSP and farmers, but the talks failed. Meanwhile, the entry of United Kisan Morcha (SKM) also happened. The farmers left the decision to SKM. The government was afraid that with the entry of the United Kisan Morcha, this movement could also be prolonged like the farmer’s movement. The government swung into action on this and started considering accepting the demands.

2. Negative impact would have gone if force was used
There are assembly and Lok Sabha elections in Haryana next year in 2024. Farmers are already angry with the government because of the farmer’s movement in Delhi regarding the three agricultural laws. Already on June 6 there was lathi charge on the farmers. Now on June 12, if lathicharge was done on blocking the highway again, the situation could have worsened further. This would have a negative impact. The government tried to find a solution through talks.

3. Government came on backfoot after seeing Shah’s rally
Before the rally of Union Home Minister Amit Shah to be held in Sirsa on June 18, the government had to come on the backfoot. Because if the attitude of the government had remained the same then it was certain that there would be disturbance in the rally. Earlier, the government thought it appropriate to accept the demands of the farmers.

What cleverness did the government show
On June 13, the leaders of the Chadhuni group held several rounds of talks with the Kurukshetra administration throughout the day. The government talked only with the leaders of the Chadhuni group and kept busy in talks the whole day yesterday and Tuesday. Tikait and organizations from Punjab were not allowed to infiltrate in the talks. However, Tikait had said that if a solution is not found, now SKM leaders will also participate in the talks. The government was apprehensive that if Rakesh Tikait and other farmer organizations were entered in the talks, the matter would not be resolved.

Now what next…
After the agreement between the government and the farmers, now the price of sunflower has been increased from 4800 to 5000. At the same time, the amount of compensation received under the Bhavantar Yojana has been increased from Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,400. Along with this, all the farmer leaders including Gurnam Singh Chadhuni will be released till Wednesday evening. At the same time, on June 6 and 7, the government will withdraw all the cases registered against the farmers across the state.

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