कर्नाटक में प्रियंका गांधी ने डोसा बनाया: रेस्टोरेंट में लोगों के साथ बैठकर खाया; योगी-राजनाथ और शिवराज ने चुनावी रैलियां कीं

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  • Yogi Adityanath; Karnataka Election 2023 Update | Priyanka Gandhi Shivraj Singh Chouhan

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Priyanka Gandhi cooking dosa at a restaurant in Mysuru.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Priyanka Gandhi cooking dosa at a restaurant in Mysuru.

The campaign of star campaigners of BJP and Congress has started before the Karnataka assembly elections. On Wednesday, the Chief Minister and Defense Minister of two states campaigned on behalf of the BJP. On the other hand, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi sought votes for party candidates for the second consecutive day. Priyanka also went to a restaurant in Mysuru and made dosa. On the other hand, UP CM Yogi Adityanath held road shows and meetings in Mandya, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh in Belagavi and Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan in Belagavi. What the leaders said, read in detail…

First of all see three pictures of Priyanka…

Priyanka Gandhi visited the world famous Sringeri Sharda Peeth in Karnataka and offered prayers.

Priyanka Gandhi visited the world famous Sringeri Sharda Peeth in Karnataka and offered prayers.

Priyanka also fed sev to the elephants after worshiping at the Sringeri Sharda Peeth temple.

Priyanka also fed sev to the elephants after worshiping at the Sringeri Sharda Peeth temple.

Priyanka went to a restaurant in Mysuru and made herself a dosa.  He had breakfast here and interacted with the children.

Priyanka went to a restaurant in Mysuru and made herself a dosa. He had breakfast here and interacted with the children.

Yogi Adityanath said – Congress works for appeasement
UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a roadshow and public meeting in Mandya. Yogi said- Congress talks about development but the reality is that the 5-year plans which they used to announce, could become a reality only after the period of the plan was over and would end soon. When PM Modi lays the foundation of a scheme, he also inaugurates it.

Yogi said- You think on the one hand double engine government bans PFI. On the other hand Congress which works to appease PFI. It works to give them reservation on the basis of religion. Reservation in the name of religion is against the constitution of India. We have given the benefit of reservation to backward castes, disabled people and other needy people.

India has been partitioned in 1947, India does not advocate reservation on the basis of religion. We are not ready for another division, this is the belief of BJP because we all believe that the concept of Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat will take the country forward.

Rajnath said – If PM sends 10 thousand then he gets the same
Addressing a public meeting in Belagavi, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said, Congress has defied the Constitution of India by giving reservation on the basis of religion. By arbitrarily amending the constitution in 1975, by imposing Emergency, lakhs of people were put in jail. BJP can never commit such a sin whether it gets power or not.

Rajnath further said, once former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had said that corruption is so much that if I send 100 paise, people get 14 paise, but under the leadership of PM Modi, if we send 10 thousand rupees to the farmers’ account. They get only 10 thousand.

Today, when corruption is being attacked, big leaders are going to jail, then the opposition is saying that such action is being taken deliberately. Our government will take action against every corrupt person, no matter how influential he is.

Our government seized one lakh 10 thousand crore rupees from the corrupt. While during the UPA period only assets worth Rs 5,000 crore were seized. At that time the condition was such that the bank used to give the money when Congress leaders used to call. We have a young leader who is working to unite India, oh brother, when was India broken? Once it was broken in 1947, then only you were there, we were not there.

Shivraj said – Rahul of 50 but mind of five
Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan campaigned in Chikodi in Karnataka’s Belagavi district on Wednesday. Where he said about Rahul that, Rahul Gandhi is 50 years old, but his mind is of 5 years. When the court sentenced him, he blamed the prime minister for it. They don’t know what to say. In such a situation, is he capable of fulfilling his promises?

Shivraj further said, Mahatma Gandhi had said after independence that now the Congress should be abolished because it was formed only for independence. However, Pandit Nehru did not agree with him. But Rahul Gandhi seems to be fulfilling his dream of ending the Congress.

Also read these news related to Karnataka assembly elections…

Said in Mysuru – the government with 40% commission here; PM knows but he is silent

Priyanka Gandhi sitting on the window of a car during election campaign in Mysuru

Priyanka Gandhi sitting on the window of a car during election campaign in Mysuru

Priyanka said- You must have heard that the Contractor Association, School Management Association wrote a letter to the PM but no solution was found. Many scams took place but none of the culprits were caught because they were associated with the BJP. 8 crores cash was received from the son of an MLA, instead of taking action on it, his father took out a parade. Read full news…

Rahul Gandhi said in Karnataka – BJP likes 40 numbers, this time you give them 40 seats

Rahul said- The Bharatiya Janata Party MLA says that the Chief Minister’s post can be bought for Rs 2500 crore. This means the cost of your future according to BJP is Rs 2500 crores. They (BJP) like the number 40. This time you people will give them 40 seats. Read full news…

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