ऑपरेशन थिएटर में हिजाब नहीं, लॉन्ग स्लीव जैकेट पहनने दें: केरल की 7 मेडिकल स्टूडेंट्स की मांग; प्रिंसिपल बोले- एक्सपर्ट टीम तय करेगी

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Kerala Hijab Case; Women MBBS students demand option inside operation theater

Thiruvananthapuram9 hours ago

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7 students of Thiruvananthapuram’s Government Medical College have written a letter to the principal for not getting permission to wear hijab in the operation theatre. These students have sought permission to replace the hijab with long-sleeved scrub jackets and surgical hoods.

The students have written in the letter that they have to cover their heads at all times as per their religious beliefs and it is not possible to wear hijab inside the operation theatre. So let them wear long sleeve jackets and surgical hoods instead.

In the letter written by a student of 2020 MBBS batch, 6 students of 2018 batch, 2021 and 2022 batch have also signed. On the other hand, the principal of the college said – After considering the demands of the students, the experts committee will take a decision.

This is a surgical hood, which has been asked for permission to use it as a substitute for the hijab.

This is a surgical hood, which has been asked for permission to use it as a substitute for the hijab.

Principal said- the team will decide whether it is possible to meet the demand or not
Principal Dr. Lynette J. Morris said that on June 26, we have received the letter from the students. She will form a committee of surgeons and infection control team to discuss the issue. The team will decide whether it is possible to meet the demands of the students.

However, the principal has explained to the girl students how difficult it can be to go to the OT with scrub jackets as every time they enter the OT, they have to clean and disinfect their hands till the elbows. After this the gown has to be worn. So wearing long sleeves can be a problem.

Principal said- I am not in a position to fulfill the demand
Dr. Morris said that we follow global standards to ensure a germ-free environment in the operation theatre. So I am not in a position to take any decision on their demand. That’s why a meeting of surgeon and infection control expert will be called. Patient safety is first for us. A committee will look into both the aspects and the focus will be on patient safety, which will not be compromised.

The letter of the students is viral on social media.

The letter of the students is viral on social media.

Reports claim- Students looking inspired by Chicago’s doctor Dina
According to media reports, these Kerala students seem to be inspired by the ‘Hijab in Operation Room’ movement of Muslim doctor Dina Kishawi of Chicago. Dina said long-sleeved scrub jackets should be readily available in locker rooms for women wearing the hijab.

Even the Supreme Court could not form an opinion on Hijab

In the matter of ban on hijab, the two judges of the Supreme Court could not reach a consensus. When the Supreme Court gave its verdict 7 months ago, two judges’ benches had different opinions on the matter. After 10 days of hearing, the court had reserved the verdict.

Also read the news related to hijab controversy…

Hijab controversy in Srinagar school

The case pertains to the Visva Bharati Women's College located in the Rainawari area of ​​Srinagar.

The case pertains to the Visva Bharati Women’s College located in the Rainawari area of ​​Srinagar.

Hijab controversy has reached Jammu and Kashmir. Girl students of Vishwa Bharati Mahila School located in Rainawari area of ​​Srinagar allege that they are being prevented from wearing hijab. They say that hijab is a part of our religion and we will not remove it at all. When it is allowed to be installed in other schools, then why not in our school? The girl students protested on the road against this order of the school administration. Read full news…

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