इराक में फंसी महिला लौटी वापस: बोली- वहां गुलाम बनाया, भूखे रख काम कराया; मंत्री धालीवाल बोले- ठग ट्रैवल एजेंट्स की लिस्ट बना रहे

Amritsar2 hours ago

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Punjab's NRI Affairs Minister Kuldeep Dhaliwal reached the airport to receive the woman.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Punjab’s NRI Affairs Minister Kuldeep Dhaliwal reached the airport to receive the woman.

Punjabi girl stuck in Iraq has returned to Punjab after 10 months. NRI minister Kuldeep Dhaliwal made a lot of efforts to bring her back and himself also reached to receive the girl. Kuldeep Dhaliwal said that the data of thug travel agents is being prepared, soon action will be taken against them.

The victim girl told that 10 months ago a travel agent from Amritsar had sent her to Iraq. He was enslaved as soon as he reached Iraq. All his money and passport were kept by the agent. There he was tortured. Sometimes even food was not given and only work was done. She somehow managed to contact her family and with the help of Minister Dhaliwal, she was able to come back.

Girl rescued from Iraq with Minister Kuldeep Dhaliwal.

Girl rescued from Iraq with Minister Kuldeep Dhaliwal.

Efforts are on to bring the girls trapped abroad
Kuldeep Dhaliwal told that not only this girl, many others are also stuck abroad at this time. The Punjab government is also making efforts to bring them. But the thug agents who have sent these girls out will not be spared.

Action will be taken if thug agents do not improve
Minister Dhaliwal has warned of strict action against thug travel agents of Punjab. He said that if such activities are not stopped, strict action will be taken against them. The list of thug travel agents of Punjab is being prepared and a meeting of NRI department has been held on 10th July 2023.

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