अहमदाबाद में राडार पर आ गए 7 प्लेन: 40 मिनट तक आसमान में लगाते रहे चक्कर, ईंधन कम होने पर 2 इंदौर एयरपोर्ट किए गए डायवर्ट

Ahmedabad28 minutes ago

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The flight that came from Delhi to Ahmedabad had to circle in the sky for about 40 minutes.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The flight that came from Delhi to Ahmedabad had to circle in the sky for about 40 minutes.

Seven flights landing at Ahmedabad airport on Saturday night faced a strange situation. The Ahmedabad Air Traffic Controller (ATC) messaged the pilot of the landing flight that the air pressure on the runway was high. So wait for some time. But, in the meantime, 6 other flights also came on the radar of the airport. Due to this, all these flights had to circle in the sky for 10 to 40 minutes.

Due to high air pressure on the runway, the runway could not be cleared.

Due to high air pressure on the runway, the runway could not be cleared.

Two planes had to divert
Meanwhile, there was an alert of fuel shortage in two flights from Mumbai and Patna. The pilot sought permission to land, but the runway was not clear. Due to this both these flights were diverted to Indore. Both these flights reached Ahmedabad at 11.30 pm.

Two flights had to be diverted to Indore.  Passengers were stranded for about two and a half hours.

Two flights had to be diverted to Indore. Passengers were stranded for about two and a half hours.

A flight could land after half an hour
The flight coming from Delhi to Ahmedabad was to land at the airport at 6:30. Due to non-availability of clearance, the plane continued to circle in the sky for about 40 minutes. This flight was to fly back to Delhi. But the flight got delayed by one and half hour and around 150 passengers had to wait.

Passengers going from Ahmedabad to Delhi had to wait for two hours.

Passengers going from Ahmedabad to Delhi had to wait for two hours.

These flights made rounds

airline Sector Time
indigo Mumbai 3 minutes
indigo Lucknow 10 minutes
indigo Ranchi 12 minutes
indigo Kolkata 15 min
indigo Bangalore 15 min
indigo Delhi 20 minutes
Singapore Air Singapore 40 minutes

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