अस्पताल ने नवजात को मृत बताया…लेकिन जिंदा थी: डिब्बे में पैक करके परिजनों को सौंपा, ढाई घंटे बंद रही

26 minutes ago

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When the relatives opened the box and saw, the girl was having a moment.  - Dainik Bhaskar

When the relatives opened the box and saw, the girl was having a moment.

Due to the negligence of doctors from Delhi’s Loknayak Jayaprakash (LNJP) hospital, the newborn girl was locked in a box for two and a half hours. In fact, on Sunday afternoon, the doctors of the hospital had declared the newborn girl dead. After this, she was packed in a box and handed over to the relatives, but when the family members went home and opened the box, the girl was alive.

After this, the relatives again reached the hospital with the newborn and informed the doctors that she was alive, but the doctors refused to even see the baby. On this, the relatives created a ruckus by accusing the doctors of negligence.

The doctors had packed the newborn in this box and handed it over to the relatives.

The doctors had packed the newborn in this box and handed it over to the relatives.

When relatives opened the box, the innocent was alive
Relatives told that the baby girl was born on Sunday at LNJP Hospital in Delhi. After delivery, the doctors declared the newborn dead and packed it in a box and handed it over to the family. After this, the relatives reached home with the box and started preparing to perform the last rites of the dead body. Then the family members heard some voices from the compartment. When he opened the box, he saw that the child was alive. After this, when the relatives reached the hospital with the newborn, the doctors refused to see him.

When the relatives opened the box, they saw the baby girl having a moment.

When the relatives opened the box, they saw the baby girl having a moment.

Angered by the attitude of the doctors, the relatives created a ruckus in the hospital. He has made serious allegations like negligence, attempt to murder the girl child on the hospital. Relatives said that due to the negligence of the doctors, the girl remained locked in the box for about two and a half hours, due to which she could have suffocated.

The child is under the supervision of doctors
The video of the incident is also going viral on social media. In which it can be seen that the girl is locked in a box. Which is sealed by applying tape. When the family members open the box and see, the baby girl is seen moving her arms and legs. Seeing which it seems that he is completely healthy. When the Central DCP got information about the matter, he spoke to the hospital administration. After the entry of the police in the case, the hospital has kept the girl under the supervision of doctors.

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