अंजलि एक्सीडेंट केस में आरोपियों पर लगेगी हत्या की धारा: गृह मंत्रालय ने दिल्ली पुलिस को निर्देश दिया

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  • Delhi Kanjhawala Anjali Accident Case Updates | Ministry of Home Affairs, Delhi Police

New Delhi6 minutes ago

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In the Anjali accident case in Delhi’s Kanjhawala, now the accused will also be charged with murder. The Ministry of Home Affairs has directed the Delhi Police to add section 302 in this case. Anjali, 20, met with an accident on the night of 31 December at around 1.30 am in Kanjhawala area.

Anjali met with an accident on the night of 31st December at around 1.30 am in Kanjhawala area. According to the police, Anjali was returning home from Scooty. That’s why 5 youths riding the car had hit. After the accident, the youth fled with the car. Anjali remains trapped under the car. He was dragged for 12 km.

Earlier the matter of dragging 4 km came to the fore. Later it is also revealed that Anjali was accompanied by her friend Nidhi and she suffered minor injuries but fled from the spot after the accident.

Nidhi did not go on Agra date since 8 months
On the other hand, his lawyer in Agra has disclosed about the fund. Advocate Mohd. Asif Azad told that Nidhi did not appear in the court for the last 8 months in the case of smuggling of marijuana. Not only this, Nidhi did not even contact the lawyer.

Nidh was caught by the GRP for smuggling ganja in Agra. As soon as the information about the Delhi accident was received, the GRP searched its records. It was learned that Nidhi was caught on 6 December 2020 at Agra Cantt station. From there he was sent to jail. read full news

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