महाराष्ट्र में लव जिहाद के 1 लाख से ज्यादा मामले: महिला कल्याण मंत्री ने विधानसभा में किया दावा; कहा दोबारा नहीं होने देंगे श्रद्धा जैसी हत्या

14 minutes ago

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Maharashtra Women and Child Welfare Minister Mangal Prabhat Lodha has said that so far more than 1 lakh cases of love jihad have been reported in the state. He also said that it is my responsibility that murder like Shraddha Walker should not happen again in the state. He said all these things during the budget session in the assembly.

Interfaith Marriage Committee defended
Lodha also defended the Interfaith Marriage Committee set up by the government. In December last year, the Maharashtra government formed the committee to collect information on interfaith and inter-caste marriages. The government had issued a resolution saying that this committee would also look into the problems of girls who get separated from their families after marrying in another caste or religion.

Mangal Prabhat Lodha is a 6 time MLA and the richest minister of Maharashtra.  His personal assets are more than 440 crores.

Mangal Prabhat Lodha is a 6 time MLA and the richest minister of Maharashtra. His personal assets are more than 440 crores.

Information about 150 interfaith marriages received till January
Lodha said that till January, the committee had received information about more than 150 interfaith marriages. Information about these matters was received through the members of the committee. In most of the cases, the family members reported that their communication with their daughter has stopped. They want to start the conversation again.

New women’s policy will be presented in the budget session
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, a debate on women’s policy was held in the Vidhan Sabha on Wednesday. During this, Lodha has told that the state’s new women’s policy will also be presented during the budget session.

He announced – Janata Darbar would be organized at the district level every month. Where complaints of 50 women will be heard. Mahila Bazar will be set up every month in all districts to promote self-help groups. Half of the Corporate Social Responsibility Fund will be spent on works related to women.

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