बेटी के प्रेमी पर पिता और भाइयों ने चाकू चलाए: दिल्ली के जाफराबाद में सड़क पर मर्डर, परिवार रिश्ते से खुश नहीं था

New Delhi9 minutes ago

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This video is after the incident.  Salman's dead body is seen lying on the ground, police are also present on the spot.  - Dainik Bhaskar

This video is after the incident. Salman’s dead body is seen lying on the ground, police are also present on the spot.

In Jaffrabad, Delhi, on Monday, a man along with his two sons attacked the daughter’s lover. All three stabbed the boy several times with a knife on his neck and chest. Due to this the boy died on the spot.

The deceased has been identified as Salman (25 years). Police said- The girl’s family members were not happy about her relationship with Salman.

first assaulted, then stabbed
The incident took place at Gali No. 2 near Kalyan Cinema, Jaffrabad at 5 pm. Salman was passing by on a bike when the girl’s two brothers (one of whom is a minor) stopped Salman and assaulted him. Salman fell down from the bike. Then the girl’s father Manzoor reached there, then all three stabbed Salman with a knife on his neck and chest. Due to this, Salman died on the spot.

Salman's dead body is seen lying behind the bike.

Salman’s dead body is seen lying behind the bike.

After the incident, videos of the spot are also coming out, in which Salman’s body is seen lying on the side of the road. The clothes of the dead body are stained with blood. There is a crowd of police and people on the spot. A woman is seen crying, being handled by people.

Police officials said, preliminary investigation has revealed that Salman was in a relationship with a girl for two years. The girl’s family had objections to their relationship. In such a situation, the girl’s father Manzoor along with his son Mohsin and a minor son killed Salman.

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