छावला रेप केस फैसले का रिव्यू करेगा सुप्रीम कोर्ट: CJI सुनवाई करेंगे; 3 आरोपी बरी हुए थे, एक ने 79 दिन बाद हत्या की

New Delhi10 hours ago

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This photo of the accused in the Chhawla rape-murder case went viral on social media.  - Dainik Bhaskar

This photo of the accused in the Chhawla rape-murder case went viral on social media.

In 2012, a 19-year-old girl was gang-raped and murdered in Chhawla, Delhi. In this case, the Supreme Court had acquitted the three accused on 7 November 2022. On Wednesday, on the demand of the Delhi government, the Supreme Court has agreed to review its same decision.

CJI DY Chandrachud said he would hear the review petition jointly with Justices S Ravindra Bhat and Bela M Trivedi. He also said that the court will also consider the open court hearing of this case.

acquitted accused commits another murder after 79 days
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had reached the CJI’s bench on behalf of the Delhi government with a petition. He said that the accused are vicious criminals. The three accused Ravi, Rahul and Vinod were acquitted. One of the accused Vinod killed the auto driver by slitting his throat on January 26, 79 days after his acquittal. He was arrested on 5 February.

The SG demanded an open court hearing and said that if the decision was given by the CJI’s bench last time, then this time also the CJI should conduct the hearing.

LG’s approval was received 3 months ago to file a review petition
The Delhi government had decided to file a review petition against the Supreme Court’s verdict in the Chawla gangrape case three months back. LG Vinay Kumar Saxena had given approval for filing a review petition, after which Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had spoken of presenting the government’s side in the matter.

What is Chhawla gangrape, understand the whole case…

1. On 9 February 2012, a 19-year-old girl from Uttarakhand was abducted from Chawla area of ​​Delhi. Several days later, on February 14, the girl’s body was found in a field in Rewari, Haryana. The body was burnt.

2. A case was registered in Najafgarh. It was revealed in the complaint that the accused had taken the girl out of Delhi. His body was burnt with cigarettes and acid was poured on his face. His body was attacked with the tools kept in the car. After this he was murdered.

3. The trial court found Ravi, Rahul and Vinod guilty in 2014 and sentenced them to death. In August this year, the High Court had also upheld the death sentence. The court had termed the convicts as ravenous animals roaming the streets.

4. The convicts filed an appeal against this in the Supreme Court. The Delhi Police opposed the commutation of the sentence. The father of the victim girl had also said that he had demanded death sentence for the culprits in the case.

5. The Supreme Court acquitted the three accused on 7 November 2022 due to lack of evidence. The Court had said that the law does not permit the courts to punish an accused merely on the basis of feelings and suspicions.

Also read these news related to Chhawla murder case…

Accused acquitted in Chhawla gang rape, now murder case

The statement of the mother of the deceased girl in the Chhawla murder case, which came after the acquittal of the accused.

The statement of the mother of the deceased girl in the Chhawla murder case, which came after the acquittal of the accused.

The Chhawla gangrape accused acquitted by the Supreme Court has been arrested by the Delhi Police on charges of a murder. Pawan and Vinod are accused of murdering an auto driver. Dwarka DCP M Harshvardhan said that Vinod Chawla, one of the accused, was also an accused in the gangrape case. Three months ago, the Supreme Court had acquitted him in the rape case. Read full news…

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